This notification is the ultimate notification. They didn’t just repost. They FOLLOWED!
Imagine posting something you enjoyed creating and then BOOM - 100K plus views overnight? Elle Magazine is tagging you in a post on their instagram, followed you and is in your inbox.. Their beauty director is in your comments. (she is awesome by the way) TV Tokyo is asking if they can use your video, and
Health Magazine is as well. (View the Elle article here)

Imagine Elle Magazine calling your look “The Ultimate Glam” I CAN NOOOOT
Well all of these things happened to our founder (instagram @shureice) with her crystal crease liners. Nothing can compare to waking up and seeing your face and your art, perched up on @elleusa’s instagram next to Blue Ivy and Rhianna. Our owner is a humble person, her screams upon finding these things on that fateful morning, rang throughout the entire neighborhood.

That is our owner on Elle’s page, March of 2020- perched in between all of these ICONS! Goals!!
Let this be a lesson to everyone reading this. Dreams DO come true. Not when you expect them to, but when it’s the right time. Keep pushing!